this was made in 72 hours for the mini game jam 65, with an optional theme of abandoned, and a limitation of no screen shake

I use unity and c# and have been programming since I think April 2020

fling squares around and have fun

i had trouble with the previous version so i had to start over a few hours before the deadline


Left: left arrow, or A

Right: right arrow, or D

Up: Up arrow, or W

Down:Down arrow, or S

press two controls at once, to move diagnal.  

click on one of the numbers to increase that value, and decrease the other one.  press space and a new box will appear at the center  also theres a weird bug where pressing space can reduce your size or speed, so check those numbers frequently


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im fine with the reviews i got. but who ratd this 5 stars, because atleast 2 people did and i need to say, this is a bad game